Friday, April 27, 2012

Screening for FIS


Researchers at the Animal Health Trust, Newmarket, have published the results of their work screening endangered horse breeds for the genetic mutation that is responsible for Foal Immunodeficiency Syndrome (FIS).

The good news is that, despite Fell and Dales ponies having been interbred with other breeds, there appears to have been only limited transmission of the defective gene to those other breeds.

The defective gene was found to be widespread in the Fell pony population, being found in 38% of individuals tested. It was found less frequently in Dales ponies (18%).

Researchers also looked at other breeds that had recently interbred with Fell and Dales ponies (Clydesdale, Coloured, Exmoor, Highland, Part-Bred WelshSecD and Welsh Sec D). The defect was only identified in coloured (“Gypsy”) cobs and then only at a low level (1%).


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