Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Environmental poisons may contribute to equine metabolic syndrome

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in a horse's environment may play a role in the development of equine metabolic syndrome (EMS). 

This finding, made by researchers at The University of Minnesota, could explain some of the variability in EMS severity that can't be explained by other commonly measured factors, such as diet, exercise and season. The study, funded by the Morris Animal Foundation, was published in Chemosphere.

"This is a pivotal piece of a very complicated jigsaw puzzle. There are a lot of horse owners out there who are very diligent about providing their horses fantastic care, but the horse is still diagnosed (with EMS)," said Dr. Molly McCue, Professor and interim Associate Dean of Research in the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota. "It's important to be aware that these chemicals contribute to the problem, so we can look for ways to reduce horses' exposure to them."

The research team studied more than 300 horses from 32 farms in the United States and Canada. They focused on Welsh ponies and Morgan horses, as these breeds are more likely to develop EMS than others. The team collected data on the horses' lifestyles, including diet, exercise and past illnesses, as well as their farm location.

Researchers also examined plasma from the horses and looked for EDCs that have effects on estrogen (EEQ) and aryl hydrocarbon (TEQ) receptors in the horse. Simultaneously, they determined whether an individual horse had blood test results consistent with an EMS profile (including insulin and glucose at rest and following a sugar challenge). The team then analysed the results to look for correlations between plasma EDC concentration and these variables.

They found that serum glucose and insulin, both baseline and after oral sugar challenge, and leptin concentrations were associated with EEQ, and serum triglyceride concentration was associated with TEQ.

The team concluded that accumulation of EDCs may explain some environmental variance seen in horses with EMS, but the precise role and dose response to EDCs in horses with EMS is not clear at this time.

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals are usually man-made substances, found in products such as pesticides, plastics and personal care products. They are common in the environment and can mimic a body's hormones, blocking real ones from doing their jobs. Because of this, they are known to produce harmful effects in humans and wildlife. Horses likely encounter EDCs in their food.

Equine metabolic syndrome is characterized by endocrine abnormalities in horses and ponies. Affected horses and ponies tend to develop pockets of fat and/or become obese, and they have altered insulin dynamics. EMS also is one of the most common causes of laminitis.

"The more we know about a disease, especially a devastating and incurable disease like EMS, the more we can find innovative ways to prevent it," said Dr. Kelly Diehl, Morris Animal Foundation Interim Vice President of Scientific Programs. "While EDCs are difficult to avoid at the moment, the information from this study will greatly improve veterinarians' ability to predict the disease and provide opportunities to prevent it."

This is the first study to examine associations between EDCs and disease in domestic animals. Dr. McCue said it remains to be seen how significant the association is but hopes future studies will further scientific understanding and help advance veterinary care for horses.

For more details, see:
Associations between endocrine disrupting chemicals and equine metabolic syndrome phenotypes
S.A. Durward-Akhurst, N.E.Schultz, E.M.Norton, A.K.Rendahl, H.Besselink, P.A.Behnisch, A.Brouwer, R.J.Geor, J.R.Mickelson, M.E.McCue.
Chemosphere (2018) Vol 218, pp 652-661


  1. Would excess nitrates in hay fed be considered a disrupting chemical? Can nitrate overload from hay contribute to early onset of EMS?

  2. It's great to hear these news about EDCs in horses diets
    I worked on EDCs in humans diet in my masters inspite of I am an equine veterinarian
    Will do my phD on EDCs in horses diets

  3. People tend to seek a silver bullet for their own health concerns and the same applies to their animal friends. It is very plausible that environmental toxins impact horses and are a part of the problem. I have read many studies on this subject and one thing that stood out is the use of antioxidants, heavy doses of resveratrol, are effective. Medical professionals and scientists have successfully healed people from diabetes, MS, szchitzophrenia, lupus, etc. I myself healed from a variety of medical conditions through altering what I put in my body, on my body, and use in my environment. It was life changing! I am concerned about the number of horses are exposed to since man has become their caretaker. What is sprayed on the food whether it be pellets, alfalfa, grass, as it is growing or the numerous artificial ingredients in supplements and the sprays we apply, are like foreign Invaders the horse never was exposed to and its history before man. The same applies to humans. Never before in history have we consumed so many artificial ingredients applied so many chemicals to our bodies and used so many chemicals in our immediate environment. It's not a magic bullet. It's about changing the way we think about health.
