Sunday, November 22, 2020

Response to changing meal times


How do horses react to changes in their routine? It may come as no surprise that horses notice when their meal is late.

Research by Manja Zupan and colleagues at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia examined the effect of altering the morning feeding time on eight horses kept in individual boxes.

The study extended over ten weeks. During that time, the morning feed (normally at six o’clock) was given an hour early on Thursdays, and an hour later on Saturdays.

The researchers monitored the effect of the change on the horses’ behaviour.

They found that, when horses were fed early, they spent less time eating hay, more time resting and less often took a look toward the door.

When feeding was delayed, the horses more often performed pawing the ground, kicking, comfort behaviour (such as grooming), and looking toward the door.

They conclude “Our results indicate that deviations from the regular feeding schedule affected the behaviour of horses and compromised their temporal predictability.”

For more details, see:

The Effect of an Irregular Feeding Schedule on Equine Behavior

Manja Zupan, Ivan Štuhec, Dušanka Jordan

J Appl Anim Welf Sci (2020) ;23:156-163.

doi: 10.1080/10888705.2019.1663734

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