Sunday, September 26, 2021

Irish horse census on the horizon


The first Irish annual equine census has been announced. Anyone keeping horses will be required to complete a census return.  


“The undertaking of this first equine census in November 2021 is one of a series of measures I propose to initiate to support the welfare of equidae” said Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue.  “It is also in keeping with my commitment to review and enhance the equine identification and traceability system”


A profile of all equines present on a holding on that date will be created on the Department’s Animal Identification and Movement (AIM) system, which houses the central equine database. 

Equine census details will be submitted online by equine keepers via Keepers who do not already have an account must register at to obtain personal login details to submit their census information. 


“The census will provide important information in the event of an equine disease outbreak, in addressing public health concerns and in dealing with lost, straying or stolen horses.”

For more details, see:

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