Friday, February 18, 2022

New colic researched planned

(c) Maria Itina
 Colic features heavily in research projects being supported by the Morris Animal
Foundation in 2022.

New equine health studies to receive funding this year include:

  • Studying Intestinal Inflammation

Two research teams will take different approaches to investigate the interaction between inflammation and gut motility, to assist in developing methods of preventing ileus (reduced gut motility) after colic surgery. These approaches could dramatically assist recovery and shorten hospitalization times.

  • Understanding Risk Factors for Colic Secondary to Transportation

Researchers will look for colic risk factors associated with transportation, to develop better management recommendations for horses requiring transport.

  • Helping Underserved Communities Recognize Early Signs of Colic

Researchers will develop an educational program for horse owners and enthusiasts in underserved communities in Colombia to improve early recognition of colic, a key component of successful treatment.

  • New Prognostic Test for Postoperative Complications

Researchers will search for biomarkers to identify horses at higher risk for postoperative surgical complications as a first step toward a new prognostic test.

“Colic consistently ranks among the top health concerns of horse owners and veterinarians,” said Dr. Janet Patterson-Kane, Chief Scientific Officer. “We decided to focus on this topic in this year’s equine call for proposals to advance our understanding of intestinal disease associated with colic and ultimately assist in improving outcomes for horses around the world.”

For more details, see:

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