A study at the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada looked
at the correlation of eyelid movements with heart rate and behaviour. The full
report is published in Animals (Basel).
Dr Katrina Merkies and colleagues studied the response of 33
horses to three stressful situations: being separated from their herd mates; not
being fed at their normal feeding time; and being startled by a novel object. The
responses were compared with those of the horses in their normal paddock
To assess the horse’s response, the researchers monitored
heart rate, and counted the number of eye blinks and eyelid twitches. (Each
three-minute trial was recorded on video.)
They found that feed restriction was the most stressful situation.
Horses showed increased heart rate, restless behaviour and high head position. The
horses also blinked less often and had an increased frequency of eyelid twitches,
compared with the normal (control) environment.
Neither the novel object test, nor the separation from herd mates
test, produced an increase in eyelid twitches or heart rate, which suggests
that the horses did not find these too stressful.
The authors conclude that “observation of eye blinks and
eyelid twitches can provide important information on the stress level of horses,
with a decrease in eye blinks and an increase in eyelid twitches in stressful
For more details, see:
Eye Blink
Rates and Eyelid Twitches as a Non-Invasive Measure of Stress in the Domestic
Merkies K,
Ready C, Farkas L, Hodder A.
(Basel). 2019 Aug 15;9(8). pii: E562.
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